The Woman Who Lost Her Soul () von Bob Shacochis

The Woman Who Lost Her Soul
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Bob Shacochis
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Shacochis returns to occupied Haiti in The Woman Who Lost Her Soul before sweeping across time and continents to unravel tangled knots of romance, espionage and vengeance. In riveting prose, Shacochis builds a complex and disturbing story about the coming of age of America in a pre-9/11 world.Set over fifty years and in four countries facing different wars, The Woman Who Lost Her Soul is National Book Award winner Bob Shacochis' magnum opus that brings to life, through the mystique and allure of history, an intricate portrait of catastrophic events that led up to the war on terror and the America we know today.
Bob Shacochis's first collection of stories,Easy in the Islands, won the National Book Award for First Fiction, and his second collection,The Next New World, was awarded the Prix de Rome from the Academy of Arts and Letters. He is also the author of the novelSwimming in the Volcano, a finalist for the National Book Award, andThe Immaculate Invasion, a work of literary reportage that was a finalist for theNew Yorker Literary Award for Best Nonfiction Book of the Year.The Woman Who Lost Her Soul was a finalist for the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. Shacochis is a contributing editor forOutside, and his op-eds on the US military, Haiti, and Florida politics have appeared in theNew York Times,Washington Post andWall Street Journal.


Schlagwörter zu:

The Woman Who Lost Her Soul von Bob Shacochis - mit der ISBN: 9781611859690

Caribbean; Haiti; Pulitzer, Online-Buchhandlung


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