The German Cookbook (Gebunden/Hardback) von Alfons Schuhbeck

The German Cookbook
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39,95 €* Gebunden/Hardback

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1589 g
27.6x18.9x4.5 cm
The only comprehensive collection of German recipes - from authentic traditional dishes to contemporary cuisine Germany is made up of a series of distinct regional culinary cultures. From Hamburg on the north coast to Munich in the Alpine south, and from Frankfurt in the west to Berlin in the east, Germany's cities and farmland yield a remarkable variety of ingredients and influences. This authoritative book showcases this diversity, with 500 recipes including both beloved traditional cuisine and contemporary dishes representing the new direction of German cooking - from snacks to desserts, meat, poultry, and fish, to potatoes, dumplings, and noodles. An introduction showcasing the culinary cultural history of the country introduces the origins of the classic recipes. These recipes have been tested for accuracy in a home kitchen, making them fully accessible to a wide range of cooking abilities. Icons indicate everything from vegetarian, gluten-, and dairy-free options to recipes with five ingredients or fewer and simple one-pot dishes. The German Cookbook is the latest in Phaidon's bestselling series of authoritative cookbooks on global cuisines.
Alfons Schuhbeck hails from Bavaria, and is regarded as an authority on German cuisine. In addition to his work as a chef and broadcaster, Schuhbeck is a restaurateur and businessman, with an online food business, wine bistro, spice shop, ice-cream parlour, two restaurants, and a cooking school.


Schlagwörter zu:

The German Cookbook von Alfons Schuhbeck - mit der ISBN: 9780714877327

Bratwurst, Deutschland, Kochbuch, Kochen, Sauerkraut, Schnitzel, Weißwurst, Online-Buchhandlung


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