Celebrated food historian and cookbook writer William Woys Weaver delves deeply into the history of Pennsylvania Dutch cuisine to sort fact from fiction in the foodlore of this unique American culture.
Introduction. Deep Fried Meets Dutchified: Food Mirrors the Culture
Chapter 1. It Began in Bethlehem
Chapter 2. The Hasenpfeffer Dutch: The Urban and Rural Elites
Chapter 3. Our Dumpling Culture and the "Swabian Third"
Chapter 4. Seimawe: Tourism Reshapes a Food Icon
Chapter 5. The Buckwheat Dutch: "We Ain't Towner"
Chapter 6. The Creation of the "Amish Table"
Chapter 7. The Cabbage Curtain
Chapter 8. Waffle Palaces
Chapter 9. Consider the Groundhog
Chapter 10. The Amish Table Goes Dutch
Chapter 11. The Kutztown Folk Festival
Chapter 12. New Dutch Cuisine and the Greening of the Amish
Almond Fingers (Mandelschnidde)
Amish Roast (Amische Roascht)
Apple Schnitz and Dumplings (Schnitz-un-Gnepp)
Apple Schnitz Pie (Ebbelschnitz Boi)
Apple Soup for Christmas (Ebbelsupp fer Grischdaag)
Baked Potato Fingers (Schpeckgrumbiere odder Grumbiere Schniddlen)
Basic Gumbis (Grundrezept fer Gumbis)
Beer Cheese Soup (Bierkees Supp) with Ham-and-Cheese Dumplings (Gnepp fun Schunkefleesch-un-Kees)
"Boy's Bits" (Buweschpitzle)
Bread Crust Pancakes (Gruscht Pannkuche)
Bread Soup or Wild Mushroom Casserole (Brodsupp odder Morchelschlupper)
Browned Flour Soup (Gereeschte Mehlsupp)
Buckwheat Cakes (Buchweetze Pannkuche)
Cabbage Dumplings (Grautgnepp)
Catfish Gravy and Dried Corn Waffles (Katzefisch un Gedarrte Welschkarn Waffle)
Chicken Gravy and Ham Waffles (Hinkel un Schunkefleesch Waffle)
Chopped Soup (Gehacktesupp)
Christmas Preserve (Grischdaags Siesses)
Christmas Shoofly Pie or Honey Shoofly Pie (Grischdaags Riwwelboi odder Hunnich Riwwelboi)
Colonel Tilghman Good's Venison Cutlets ('em Kernel Good sei Harsch Schnidde)
Dried Corn Pie with Chicken and Saffron (G'darrte Welschkarn Boi mit Hinkelfleesch un Safferich)
Dunk Babies Christmas Cookies (Dunke Bobblin)
Filling (Fillsel)
Fried Potato and Sauerkraut Sandwich or Backet Sandwich (Gebrotne Grumbier Sandwich mit Sauergraut odder Backet Sandwich)
Funnel Cake (Drechterkuche)
Grated Potato Soup (Geriewwenesupp)
"Hairy" Dumplings (Hooriche Gnepp)
Hot Bacon Dressing with Eggs (Heese Schpecksass mit Oier)
Jenny Lind Pie (Da Jenny Lind ihre Tschintscher-Brod Boi)
Lemon-Rice Pie (Lemmon-Reis Boi)
Lepp Cakes (Leppkuche) with Glaze Icing (Zucker Glessur)
Mock Fish (Blinde Fische)
Mock Fish or Rivvel Fish (Blinde Fische odder Riwwelfische)
Mock Rabbit (Blinder Haas)
Mock Scrapple (Blinder Panhaas)
Onion Sauce (Zwiwwelsass)
Onion Tart (Zwiwwelkuche) with Cornmeal Crust (Welschkarn Gruscht)
Peach and New Potato Stew (Geschmorde Pasching un Neie Grumbiere)
Peach and Yellow Tomato Pie (Pasching un Geele Tomats Boi)
Peach Schnitz Dumplings (Paschingschnitz Gnepp)
Peas and Bacon (Arrebse-un-Schpeck)
Pickled Okra with Summer Sausage (Gepickelte Okra mit Summerwarscht)
Pit Cabbage (Grundrezept fer Gruwegraut)
Pit Cabbage with Pork (Gruwegraut mit Seifleesch)
Potato Balls (Grumbiere Balle)
Potato Pocket Dumplings with Sorrel Gravy (Grumbiere Mauldasche mit Sauerampel Dunkes)
Potato Potpie with Saffron (Grumbiere Botboi mit Safferich) Potpie Dough (Botboi Deeg)
Potato Schales (Grumbiere Schales)
Punxsutawney Spice Cookies (Punxsutawney Schpeiss-Kichelcher)
Sauerkraut (Grundrezept fer Sauergraut)
Sauerkraut Half-Moon Pies (Sauergraut Daschekuche odder Halbmund Boi)
Shoofly Pie (Melassich Riwwelboi)
Sour Marinated Rabbit (Hasenpfeffer)
Sour Marinated Rabbit in Hash Browns (Grumbier Gehacktes mit Haasepeffer odder Haasepeffer Haesch)
Steamed Yeast Dumplings (Dampfgnepp)
Stewed Squirrel with Steamed Dumplings (Geschmorder Eechhaas mit Dampfgnepp)
Stuffed Pig Stomach
—with Mashed Potato Filling (Seimawe mit Grumbiere Fillsel)
—with Meat Filling (Seimawe mit Fleesch Fillsel)
Sweet-and-Sour Marinated Shad (Siess-un-Sauere Schaed)
Sweet Buckwheat Bread (Siess Buchweetzebrod)
Sweet Gribble Pie (Siesse Grippelboi)
Thick Milk Pie (Clabber Pie) or Slop Tart (Dickmillich Boi odder Schlappkuche)
Trinkle's Lehigh County Corn Pie ('em Joseph Trinkel sei Lechaw Kaundi Welschkarn Boi)
Recipes by Category
Glossary of Pennsylvania Dutch Food Terms
Schlagwörter zu:
As American as Shoofly Pie von William Woys Weaver - mit der ISBN: 9780812207712
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Folklore & Mythology; American History; American Studies; Books of Regional Interest; Cultural Studies, Online-Buchhandlung
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